The Importance of Water Quality in Gardening
Water quality affects your garden’s results in several ways. If you’re looking to hydrate your plants using the best water available, it pays to understand the importance of water quality. Unsure of where to start? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Learn about the importance of water quality when you’re gardening in our post below, so you can better care for your plants.
How Does It Affect Gardening?
Sometimes your community’s water quality won’t highly affect your plants. Other times, it can severely affect the soil, and you’ll have plants that whither easily. Some plants exhibit discoloration and irregular growth; some may grow better than others. Still, contaminated or hard water can cause serious irrigation problems, especially for vegetation. Poor water quality is responsible for lower yields and even plant death.
Additionally, contaminated water can soak into your veggies and end up on your plate. You don’t want to get sick because you have unfiltered or hard water. You should also avoid collecting water from ponds or wells since it could put your garden at risk of the same symptoms. Tap water is not as much of an issue since it undergoes treatment, but using a filter is ideal.
What Makes Water Unfit?
You shouldn’t expose your plants and veggies to many contaminants in your neighborhood’s water system. You can find most of these kinds of contaminants and minerals in untreated water. For instance, salt is a huge problem for gardeners. It can reduce plant growth and completely disrupt your vegetable yields. Calcium in low levels is great, but at high levels, it’ll make it so that your plants can’t absorb the nutrients they need to survive. Minerals are beneficial in small doses but detrimental in high quantities. The water you use to irrigate your plants might contain copper, zinc, manganese, and iron. High levels of these minerals can cause foliage damage, affecting leaves and causing discoloration and whitening.
What’s the Solution?
We recommend whole home filtration and water softener systems to ensure your plants get the nutrients they need and avoid the problems hard and unfiltered water can cause. Hard water can stunt growth in your plants altogether, and the chemicals that come with unfiltered water can inadvertently whiten your plants—highlighting the importance of water quality in gardening.
If you are looking for water softeners in San Antonio that will make your water safe for plant irrigation, work with us here at Alamo Water Softeners. At Alamo, we take pride in helping you find the proper water filtration and softening services so you can use and drink water without worry. Contact us today for more information!